The little one making cocoa for himself and his "big brudduh".
How to make hot cocoa for your "BIG Brudduh"
I finally finished the last of my portraits for this year and settled in to enjoy the rest of the season. Though exhausting, it was a wonderful and happy Christmas. But for now I am relaxing and enjoying the rest of the year. Pretty easy enjoyment when precious moments like this are a regular occurrence at my house:
The little one making cocoa for himself and his "big brudduh".

The little one making cocoa for himself and his "big brudduh".
Finished portrait and holiday photos of my house decor
The Elves have struck again!

I'm the Santa Paparazzi!!
Upon watching a Pooh Bear Christmas story and discovering one can set out to find the North Pole, seemingly close to home, we loaded up the family and started driving. And guess what, we found it!!!! I got out my new camera and turned into the Santa Paparazzi and snapped this photo of Santa in his living room. Mrs Santa was on the other side of the fireplace. I wish I had gotten a picture of her too. Santa obviously knew I was there though. (He knows EVERYTHING)
I also snapped a photo of Santa's front lawn. I just love how he "gets it" don't you?

More cool things going on around casa de Color Of Dawn Creations:
I won these wonderful gifts from blog giveaways! From the EtsyMom blog I won these absolutely adorable handmade snowman cards from the CinnamonSpice store on Etsy.
And from Lola's blog, MomOMatic, I won this beautiful tin made by LuluSandbar of Etsy filled with Food goodies, Bath and Bodyworks products, and $25 gift cards from Target, Best Buy and Barnes and Noble!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND this And this beautiful 2009 photography calendar By Greeblemonkey of Etsy.
I cannot tell you how completely excited I am about this! There just aren't words. Thank you my creative friends you are SO appreciated!
Now I must leave to continue turning this photo into a pet portrait (Isn't he just precious!) Come back and see!

More cool things going on around casa de Color Of Dawn Creations:
I won these wonderful gifts from blog giveaways! From the EtsyMom blog I won these absolutely adorable handmade snowman cards from the CinnamonSpice store on Etsy.

Now I must leave to continue turning this photo into a pet portrait (Isn't he just precious!) Come back and see!

Catching Santa in the act!

In other news, although this photo is a bit blurry, here is my finished portrait from the post below:
Snowman poop, portraits, and an Etsy Anniversary
In my previous post I wrote about elves making early visits to my house leaving little gifts and trinkets for my son. Well not so many years ago he was in a bit of trouble during the holiday season and grounded. But the elves still made their visit bringing the appropriate gift. A baggie of what "looked" to be mini marshmallows and chocolate covered raisins. But, since it was never eaten, we will never know because the note said it was snowman and reindeer poop telling my son he better get his act together before the "big day" or there was more where that came from. Aaaah good times. Good times.
Its done!!!
I also finished this pencil portrait today
Every year we always have early visitors leaving glittery trails in the carpet where they have walked to bring special early little presents before christmas. One year was especially exciting when we discovered a tiny Elf had visited. He left a trail of muddy little footprints and glitter in the (white)carpet from my son's window to his nightstand where we found Christmas candies and trinkets. The Elf must have been in a hurry to get out because he lost his tiny little leather boot. It was stuck in the window shade!
Here is an update on my portrait in progress from the previous post.

Memories, Random Thoughts, and Portrait Creations
Many years ago on Christmas Eve, my now teenage son was about eight and very excited about Santa. And this particular night, he like any child on Christmas Eve, was having a very difficult time going to sleep. I know this because I walked down the hallway and peaked into his room only to find him on all fours at the end of his bed perched at the most attention I have ever seen because there were jingle bells jingling outside his bedroom window!
Why is it only kids from 1 to 92 that are wished a Merry Christmas? What about infants and those lucky enough to have made it to 93 and up? Hmmmm........
I recieved this photo to create a portrait from:
I rotated, cropped and zoomed to make this:

And here is a preview of the portrait in progress. I am removing the pumpkin and replacing it with a tree. I will add more updates on its progress over the next few days.
And that's what's currently going on in the world of Color Of Dawn Creations.
Many years ago on Christmas Eve, my now teenage son was about eight and very excited about Santa. And this particular night, he like any child on Christmas Eve, was having a very difficult time going to sleep. I know this because I walked down the hallway and peaked into his room only to find him on all fours at the end of his bed perched at the most attention I have ever seen because there were jingle bells jingling outside his bedroom window!
Why is it only kids from 1 to 92 that are wished a Merry Christmas? What about infants and those lucky enough to have made it to 93 and up? Hmmmm........
I recieved this photo to create a portrait from:
I rotated, cropped and zoomed to make this:

And here is a preview of the portrait in progress. I am removing the pumpkin and replacing it with a tree. I will add more updates on its progress over the next few days.

"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"

Customers at the real job bombard me daily with questions like "you ready for Christmas?" "you done shopping yet?" and my answer is always NOPE. I am not a shopper any other time of the year there's no way on God's green earth you can get me out on this Black Friday thing. I still cant get my head around the notion that people stand out in the cold in the wee hours of the morning when they should be home sleeping only to be kicked pushed trampled and cursed while they go full speed ahead to get their "dreaded Christmas shopping" done. And people actually say this! The dreaded Christmas shopping. Where's the Joy? Shouldn't you shop for a gift with joy in your heart and excitement of giving? I once got bogged down and caught up in the madness. NEVER again. And I almost thank the Lord for this recession because I cannot afford to go out and spend so much money this year on ALL my loved ones. I almost have a "get out of the hustle and bustle free" card. So this year, except for my little guys, I am making all handmade gifts for everyone. But I have found it to be a blessing. A blessing that is keeping my heart...and Joy ..and love for the season in the right place. I have more time with my family, a bit less stress, and I can focus more on the story behind Christmas with a bright star, wisemen and shepherds and a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a manger. It's so fun with the toddler this year teaching him all things about the joys and magic of Christmas. Last night we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". Here are a few lines that hit home.....
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!" Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store."Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"
So true. I like this Dr. Seuss.
Chicken Noodle Poop...for the soul
The toddler is definitely displaying all boyishness with his love for the vulgar. His favorite words for getting attention are currently poop, fart, pee, bugger-as in "I love you Mommy bugger". I asked him today what he wanted for lunch and he responded with "chicken noodle poop!" I know I shouldn't support his love of the word but this was actually quite clever. I was impressed. So after a good giggle I said "chicken noodle poop coming right up!" We headed to the kitchen and as I prepared the noodle "poop" the little fella sweetly serenaded me with "woodolf da wed nose poop dee-ah, had a vewy shiney fawrt"..........

What else is going on at my house? I have several portrait orders in that need to be done by Christmas. If you want/need pet or children's portraits done by Christmas you need to act fast. I can only take on two more orders and they must be placed by December 10th. Here is a sampling of my current portrait in progress:

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